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Friday, October 31, 2008 8:28 PM
Hey guys, 2 more weeks to End of School. So fast sehs. D: Muz cherish fwenship with friends if nt next yr u regret. Anyway, host more meet-ups with friends so tat u will nt regret it. 2 weeks is nt enuff. Muz use remaining days till Jan 2009 to cherish ur fwenships. In yr 2009, still can meet-ups but maybe very seldom, cos gt tons of homework. So, CHERISH UR FRIENDSHIP! ANY MISUNDERSTANDING WIF GOOD FRIENDS BURY THE HATCHET NOW! CHERISH UR FRIENDSHIP OK?P.S- I remind u guys of the sad things. Sorry! Movie
Friday, October 24, 2008 5:48 PM
Today hab puberty talk. MLeong said"very interesting programme". LOLs?Afternoon, Mok came my hse. After tat, we went down wait for my dad. DEn Dad drove me n Mok there. I go find WY at minitoons den go library find zhao,gin and yuxin. Find so long cannot find, dem MOk sms me they are at minitoons. -.- We went up to cinema, picked up Chii. Willie went down buy some Ribena sweets. We nxtly entered cinema wif willie n den watch HSM3. :D I received 2 sms from wy during the movie-.- Den, we saw MPhua wif MKer at Lot 1. The girls shouyed MPhua name. MPhua turned and wave. She didn't see me, Mok and Willie.(I tink) Nxt, bought bubble tea n went home. HSM3 is a great movie n I strongly recommend it to everybody. :D ~Joel Top Scorer
Wednesday, October 22, 2008 4:39 PM
Proof!!!Hey guys, I just beat Cheryl n Wuyou's record. I got 18400. Impressive. Cheryl scored 13800, Wuyou scored 12200? I going to be $1 richer! Hurrahs. I not boasting, just overjoyed. Wuyou or 干妹妹,no offence. :D Changed Blogskin
Monday, October 20, 2008 8:48 PM
Well, I finally cnged my blogskin. The blending is really nice. I got my insiration from the song Won't Go Home Without You Chorus 1st line:It's not over tonight. The skin is kinda emo, but I'm not emo ok? Pls tag and comment abt my new skin~Joel Sunday, October 19, 2008 8:26 PM
BBQ party pics: 2:39 PM
Yest. was BBQ party.I went to Mac Entrance at 11.30am to wait for Rohit, Gin,WuYou. Gin n Rohit was already there. After a while, WY arrived. We went to FairPrice bought party stuff. Den went to buy small B'Day cake for Jeanette. Next, went mcdonalds to buy lunch. We went to WY hse and ate. WY went up to eat dabao lunch(?). Bought some drinks and tried out shuffle/moonwalk wif rohit. Den WY came down. We cleared up, went up to put things. Watched Rohit play some Boxhead wif WY. Den Willie arrived. He went swimming wif Rohit. I, WY, Gin,HuiYi,Angela go down to watch. Den the others started arriving. Den it rained. D: Went up WY hse for shelter and some dinner. No beehoon to eat cos I tink run out already. So eat some fries and snacks. After tat, I and Willie went down to get ready for BBQ. Saw Zhao, XY and Gin swimming. YuXin was taking pics and FuLiang was playing. -.- Set up fire n barbequed some stuff. Den Willie ask us buy Fire Starter. I, Javier and Rohit go buy. Come back, say dunnid already. D: We all queue so long lehs. Javier angry, saying waste $$$. But found out can refund. Rohit refund for him. Den ate some frozen pizza. After tat, went home wif Willie. My dad drove Willie home. I went home eat chicken wings and instant noodles. Chicken wings my parents already prepared for me. :D Showered, den slept. Friday, October 17, 2008 7:54 PM
1List 7 girls you know 1. Cheryl 2. WuYou 3. ZhaoYing 4. ChuQian 5. Felicia 6. HuiYi 7.Angela List 7 boys you know. A. Willie B. Junhui C. Anthony D. Dominic E. Javier F. Rohit G. ShengYang What will you do if D slapped you? (Dominic)-LOL. Tat won't happen. If it does, I push him. Will you complain to 2 (WuYou) if B (Junhui) bully you?- LOL. Junhui won't bully one. If happens, yes I will. Wuyou sure can fight. :D Describe 4 with one word.(ChuQian)- Bookworm. (: Will you rather be friends with 2 (WuYou) or 6 (HuiYi)?- Erm. Both. :D When did you start to know F? (Rohit)- P4B. Who do you like more, C (Anthony) or G (ShengYang)?- Both lahs. Gd fwens :D Are you in good terms with 7? (Angela)- Not really. Is 3 one of your best friends? (ZhaoYing)- Friends only. :P If 1 (ChiiHuei) and A (Willie) gets into a fight, who will win?- Willie. He showed his fighting skills with pillows b4. Quite ferocious. Will D (Dominic) and 3 (ZhaoYing) be married?- Weird? No.Will not happen. Who is smarter, 5 (Jeanette) or E (Javier)?- Javier. Are F (Rohit) and G (ShengYang) best friends?- Gd friends only. Are 1 (Cheryl) and 7 (Angela) best friends?- Gd friends only. Will 4 (ChuQian) and C (Anthony) get along with each other?- Never. Describe 6 in two words. (HuiYi)- Tall,strange. Describe A in three words. (Willie)- Fun being with. Describe 1 in four words. (Cheryl)- Short(no offence), smart, helpful, amusing. Describe E in five words. (Javier)- Good friends with Anthony Mok. Describe 5 in six words.(Felicia)- She wants to be an author. Is D (Dominic) going out with anybody?- No. Lastly, Describe C in as many words as you can. (Anthony)-Basketballer, CampRock music fan, funny, amusing 2 1.When is the last time you cried?- Tis year. 2.When is the last time you received a present?- Tis year? What is your favourite colour?- Blue. 4.Who is the last person who sang you the birthday song?- Family. 5.What is the last song you sang out loud?- She Will Be Loved. 6.Do you have nicknames?- Joel Jonas, Jojo? 7.Are you currently happy?- Yeah. 8.Have you ever had your heart broken?- Yeah. 9.Do you have a crush on anyone ?- Nobody.(I know who u tink) 10.What is the colour of your room?- Blue? 11.Who is the last person who hug you?-My dad. 12.Who was the last person you saw in your dreams?- Me. 13.Last time you smiled?-Today. 14.Have you changed this year?- Yeah. 15.What are you listening to right now?- MSN tinking sound 16.Do you walk with your eyes closed or open?- Closed in the night. Open normally. 17.Is there a quote you live by?- I dun tink so. 18.Do you want somebody you can't have ?- Nt sure. 19.Have you ever played an instrument?- Dunno the name. 20.What was the worst idea you had in the week?- Forgot.-.- 21.What were you doing last night at 11p.m.?- Sleeping 22.Are you happy with your love life currently now?- Dun even have one. 23.What song describe your love life now?- Dunno 24.Does the person know that you like her?-Dun even lyk anybody. Xcept me! 25.Who always makes you laugh?- Willie, Javier,Anthony 26.Do you speak other languages other than English?- Chinese. 27.What's your middle name?- Only Americans have it 28.What are you doing tomorrow?- BBQ party 29.What do you think you are like?- Let my friends decide. 30.Who will you choose to die with?- Close friends/loved ones. 31.Where have you been today?- Rohit hse, Lot 1. 32.What game do you play often?- Boxhead. 33.Who are you missing right now?- Nobody. 34.If you 've to choose between friend and love, who will you choose?- Friends. Love can break your heart. 35.What are you doing right now ?- Doing tis quiz. 36.Which primary school are you from?- CCKPS 37.What emotions would you like to show?- Irritated. Very difficult to show. 38.What is life to you?- Live and let die 39.If you have something troubling you, what will you do?-Try to solve the problem by hook or by crook. 40.Who did you last chat with in msn?- Cheryl, Wuyou, Junhui and Rohit. 41.Who did you admire the most?- God. 42.Which month are you born in?- March 43.How are feeling right now?- No feeling. 44.What is the time now?- 8.39pm. 45.Where are you now?- Computer room. 46. What colour did you use to dye hair?- Nvr dyed before. 47.What do you do when you are moody?- Show a black face.LOLS! 48.At which age do you wish to get married ?- 20+ 49.Who is the most important to you now?- Family&friends 50.Do you think you have enough confident?- No. 51.Who is the person you trust the most now?- Myself. 52.Do you believe in seeing a rainbow after a rain?- See before. :D 53.If you can have a like long dream come true, what you wish it would be?- World peace and a perfect life. 54.What is your goal for the year?- Be ready enuff for Sec. School. 55.Do you believe in eternity love?- Yah. 56.What do you love?- Myself, computer and handphone. 57.Do you think it's global warming now?- Yeah, I'm feeling hot. 58.What feeling do you hate the most?- Emo and unloved. 59.You cherish the every friendship of yours?- Yes. 60.Do you believe in God?- Of course. 61.Do you think this quiz is fun?- Okay lahs. Ripped from Cheryl's blog. :D 10:43 AM
Yesterday's outing pics:P.S-Sorry for nt taking any pictures of Siewting, she was lyk, running away from camera. Quite alert sehs. Thursday, October 16, 2008 7:01 PM
2day went Lot 1 n waited for WuYou at McDonalds entrance. Den we went NTUC to see wad we needed for BBQ party n the amt needed to pay. Den Siewting came n we walked to the foodcourt. We saw David there, holding his noodles up and taking photos. WTF! So lame!Wuyou ate chicken rice(?), Siewting ate charsiew rice(?). Den we went to 2nd floor n siewting went to watsons. I n wuyou go look for wallet for Jeanette. We went back to Watsons to take a look, n Siewting came wif us to buy wallet. After buying wallet, I went down and found Mok,Javier,Dominic,Rohit,Wenxuan,Junhui waiting for me. We den proceeded to JH hse. Smsed Wuyou byebye, den played Boxhead and watch M.Jackson's moonwalk. At arnd 4.30pm, WenXuan and Dom went hme. At 5.30pm, I ,Rohit, Javier and Mok went home. I walked wif Javier home toking abt guy stuff. Tag replies: Rubbishbin: Yeah, I had a great day. ~Joel (Pics will be post tmr) Wednesday, October 15, 2008 5:24 PM
Hey guys,I just cnged blogsong to Vindicated. An emo song. Dunno why I wan to put it. Got sick of Tears In heaven, so tried to find eat it by weird al but can't so I use tis song. Pls comment on tis song. ~Joel Tuesday, October 14, 2008 6:56 PM
Ai-yahs~~!Today is ano boring day. Guess slacking is not so fun at times. 1st ting in morning, did some "happy toilet thingy". My job was the cutter of the cans and willie and zhao folded for me.(I tink so) After tat, painted my cans and played some sort of lyrics game wif Zhao. MT-林老师 let us slack arnd. Watch FL, Willie and CM play chinese chess. After tat, slacked and play Truth or Dare. I wan Inter-Class B-Ball Compeition come soon can watch B-Ball. Anyway, dun get too addicted to computer. Joel Jonas Saturday, October 11, 2008 1:47 PM
Sori for nt posting quite long tym. Reason:Too lazy.(lol, would u believe it)Let's start from 9 Oct 2008 9 Oct 2008 After on9-ing, playing wif Cheryl and Zhao lyrics game, off-9ed, waiting for guests come my hse. Rohit and JunHui came at 2(surprising, they said come at 2.30pm) n play some card game. Den JH ask me go down and fetch ppl up. I took 1 step out of hse, turned my head and saw Zhao and Gin. I go back in. Zhao asked:"I tot u say dey come at 2.30pm?". I told her they come early n I dunno. Den Mok come, followed by Javier. Mok played Monopoly wif me, Zhao, Gin, Junhui. Jave and Rohit played cards. Halfway through game, boring liaos, Zhao and Gin decided to play pillow fight. Got ready 4 pillows, 3 bolsters(for Mok, me, Zhao, Gin), on-ed aircon in room, n started playin'. After playin', Mok wan play card, go out of room. Gin(?) decided to play "fake" singing audition. Gin sang 1st, den Zhao den me.(I was too shy to sing). After tat, Zhao and Gin ask me go out. They close the door n sang n ask me guess who sing. Mok secretly helped me. Den Mok turn. After tat, played Truth or Dare. Den bluetooth-ed with Zhao. Den Zhao n Gin decided to rest on my pillows and bolsters. Den all the boys came in to play cards. At arnd 4.30pm, Zhao+Gin went home. At 5pm, the boys went home. 10 Oct 2008 Reached sch. MTeo ask us stay back for toilet-thingy. After tat, mother tongue. linlaoshi gab h/w den showed us comic and ask us do some floor plan.. Den go bak class MPhua gab us pressie. (For pics, refer to Cheryl's blog). Den after recess, go com lab, played some games wif rohit. Den went bak to class, read my Alex Rider bk.(Felicia tinks the author's face is hilarious). Den played truth or dare with some gals n willie. Willie did chicken dance.....lols. 11 Oct 2008 Rottin' at home and waiting to be brought for swimming lesson. :( Wednesday, October 8, 2008 10:59 AM
Hurrah! PSLE is over. :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDI wan go watch movie wif Wuyou n CQ today but parents dun allow. :(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((. So, juz on9 long time lohs......... ~JoelJonas~ |