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"Don't wanna be a boy, you wanna be a man" (Beat It - Michael Jackson)
Thursday, February 26, 2009 5:22 PM
Ytd was sis birthday. And a rainbow appeared! I was so surprised why the rainbow don't appear on my birthday. lol I took like 3 pictures of the rainbow and 3 pictures of my sis black forest birthday cake. :D Pics are below :D Enjoy!"I ain't gonna be just a face in the crowd, you're gonna hear my voice when I shout it out loud" (It's My Life- Bon Jovi)
Tuesday, February 24, 2009 4:45 PM
Maths and Physics common tests over liaos! But still got LT tmr and History on Thurs. D:Maths paper was quite okay but Physics test was damn hard man! I never do like 2 questions which are 2m each! Waste of 4 marks!(and possibly higher D:) Today Physics lesson was super relaxing, unlike before common tests where teacher soooo serious. Cos common test over liaos, lol. Mr Ng (physics teacher) shared some jokes, which are listed below. (Up to you if you find it funny, I found it slightly funny) There was an american scientist called Mr Smith who travelled to Africa to do some research. He contracted a disease over there. he went to a hospital but the African doctors could not find a way to treat him. An helicopter was immediately sent to pick him up and send him back to America. Reaching America, he underwent a series of tests, which made him so exhausted that he went unconscious. When he awoke, he was in a white room which had many empty beds and nobody in them. He was so weak that he could not get up to walk out the door. The cell phone near his bed rang. he summoned all of his strength to pick it up. The doctor was calling him. Mr Smith asked: "Why am I all alone?" The doctor replied "Mr Smith, you have contracted a very rare disease which has no cure and is highly contagious. We will try to look for the cure. In the meantime, you will realise the door is locked because we don't want you to infect other people. So, as we find the cure, we will feed you pancake prata and pizza." Mr Smith replied "Why am I being fed pancake prate and pizza, instead of my favourite chicken chop. The doctor replied: " Because it's the only food which can be slipped under the door to give it to you." Joke 2: There was a 7 yr old boy in the supermarket buying a huge bag of detergent and he queued up to buy it. The cashier, worried that the boy was carrying such as huge bag, asked him if he knew what he was doing. The boy said: "I'm using the detergent to wash my dog." The cashier said: "The dog will die!" The boy did not listen to the cashier and left. A few days later, the boy returned. He was looking for _______(I forgot what he was looking for, sorry!) He queued up to buy the thing. The cashier asked: "How was the dog's bath?" The boy replied: "The dog died!" The cashier wanted to say Told You So! but did not want to sadden the boy. She pretended to sympathise with the boy. She asked: "Did the dog die because of the detergent?" The boy said: "No, it died due to the rotation." (Washing machine turning). Okay, that's all. ~Joel SJI 101st Annual Track and Field Meet
Sunday, February 15, 2009 2:14 PM
SJI Track and Field Meet was fun yo.Woke up at 6am, brushed teeth and wore my house shirt,(my house is Lawrence), which is yellow in color. :D Lawrence rocks! On the way to car with my dad, saw Zhao, waved hi. Next, my dad drove me to Toa Payoh Stadium. Had attendance-taking and got our props ready. The event began with marching of the Uniform Groups. The uniform groups really practised tgt, all made no mistakes and march very co-operatively. After that one class from each house run into the stadium. Rohit's class, which is also Lawrence house, was selected to march as his teacher is the mistress for Lawrence. After everything over, principal shot from a gun to mark the start of the sports events. Very loud the gunshot. 1st event was Sec 1 100m. I was supporting Rohit's friend Ananth. He was 6th though. The winner was Michael house. D: Timing is 13.75s( I think). Really fast lehs. After Sec 2-4 100m over, got teacher's 100m. My maths teacher ran for the race and was last. He old alr mahs. 48 yrs old. After that I think is the 4x100m relay. Rohit's class was 4th. He wasn't running though. After that was Sec 2-4 turns, den teacher's relay again. My Maths teacher, running again, and this time his team was 3rd. The HOL1's team (Head Of Level for Secondary 1) was 5th. Next is 800m. Rohit was running yo. And it was the only event my class took part in. (So unfit, lol). My class finished 5th and 6th respectively I think. Rohit was 3rd last, lol. Next was 400m. Rohit's class one guy really pro. he can dash all the way. He was 1st, unsurprisingly and led by 100m at the finishing line. After that Sec 2-4s turn. next, if I remember correctly, was 4x400m relay. Rohit was supposed to run but withdrew as he was tired. Replaced by the pro runner who dashed all the way for 400m. Rohit's class last. Actually Rohit's class was last by 200m but the pro runner made it to like 50m. After that Sec 2-4s turn and then price-giving. Our house was 3rd for the sports events but best in cheering. :D At arnd 12pm the ceremony finished. Went to McDonalds with Rohit and his friends. Rohit's friends did some magic there :D MRTed home and went to Rohit's house to play while his friends did some computer project. Waved to Wuyou from Rohit's balcony. :D Homed at 6.50pm. Friday, February 13, 2009 8:29 PM
Tagged by Wuyou to do this quiz.Quiz Oneee RULES: 1. Put your iTunes, Windows Media Player, etc. on shuffle. 2. For each question, press the next button to get your answer. 3. YOU MUST WRITE THAT SONG NAME DOWN NO MATTER HOW SILLY IT SOUNDS. 4. Tag 10 friends. 5. Everyone tagged as to do the same thing. 6. Have Fun! -IF SOMEONE SAYS 'ARE YOU OKAY' YOU SAY? Can't Stop -Maroon 5 Lol, cannot stop dancing or what lerhs. -HOW WOULD YOU DESCRIBE YOURSELF? Sorry - Jonas Brothers Lol, someone who makes many mistakes and enjoy saying sorry. (!!!) -.- -WHAT DO YOU LIKE IN A GUY/GIRL? Opportunity - Pete Murray Someone who never misses any opportunity? Lol -HOW DO YOU FEEL TODAY? Constipated - Weird Al Yankovic. LOL~!~ Having stomach problems. 0.0 -WHAT IS YOUR LIFE'S PURPOSE? Superman - Five For Fighting To be Superman~~Lol. -WHAT IS YOUR MOTTO? Not Falling Apart - Maroon 5. Erms, means not being heartbroken? -WHAT DO YOUR FRIENDS THINK OF YOU? I'm Yours -Jason Mraz Lol. They want to be friends with me forever? -WHAT DO YOUR PARENTS THINK OF YOU? Little Of Your Time- Maroon 5 They want a little of my time to do something with me? -WHAT DO YOU THINK ABOUT VERY OFTEN? You're Beautiful - James Blunt Erm, makes no sense. -WHAT IS 2 + 2? Makes Me Wonder - Maroon 5 Lol. Got trouble with maths liaos. Wondering how to do. -.- -WHAT DO YOU THINK OF YOUR BEST FRIEND? Harder To Breathe - Maroon 5 Erms, no comments. -WHAT IS YOUR LIFE STORY? Kiwi - Maroon 5 Eating kiwis. Lol. -WHAT DO YOU WANT TO BE WHEN YOU GROW UP? We Are All In This Together - High School Musical Erms, someone who co-operates with people? O.O -WHAT DO YOU THINK WHEN YOU SEE THE PERSON YOU LIKE? Rockstar- Nickelback Lol, I will think that the person I like is a rockstar. -.- -WHAT WILL YOU DANCE TO AT YOUR WEDDING? If Everyone Cared - Nickelback Erms, not even appopriate for a wedding dinner. -WHAT WILL THEY PLAY AT YOUR FUNERAL? Won't Go Home Without You - Maroon 5 My favourite song. Should be acceptable. -WHAT IS YOUR HOBBY/INTEREST?? True Friend - Hannah Montana Hanging out with true friends izzit? -WHAT IS YOUR BIGGEST FEAR? Eat It - Weird Al Yankovic Eating? Lol! -WHAT IS YOUR BIGGEST SECRET? Ego You - Declan Galbraith I am an egoistic person? No way! -WHAT DO YOU WANT RIGHT NOW? Goodnight Goodnight - Maroon 5 Go sleep? I not even sleepy. Zzz -WHAT DO YOU THINK OF YOUR FRIENDS? Sweetest Goodbye - Maroon 5 No sense. It sounds like I want to leave my friends. WHAT WILL YOU POST THIS AS? Crush - David Archuleta No sense. suay suay people tio quiz hor. must do or ur hair all will mean hor. #1 Shoon Jun Hui (Bp-ian 101) #2 Anthony Mok (Kranji-ian) #3 Tan Jia Hui (Bp-ian 105?) #4 Sim Siewting (Bp-ian) #5 Tong Chii Huei (Kranji-ian 1D ?) #6 Veron #7 Willie Tan ( I know u do liaos, I juz anyhow put) #8 Wu You (Same case as Willie) #9 Gindelin #10 Huiyi ( Same case as Willie) Update
Sunday, February 1, 2009 8:26 PM
Updating again.26 January 2009 I went to visit father's side of family. I go my aunt's hse for lunch and play. And arnd 5pm we left for my other aunt's hse, where we always go for CNY. Collected lots of angbaos, though very boring over there. Ate buffet dinner and left at abt 11pm. 27 January 2009 In the morning, went to visit my aunt. (not same one as the two above) and watched TV over there and chat. Got angbaos, den arnd 1pm left for my mother's side of the family. Ate beehoon for lunch, den slacked arnd. I watched TV and slept since not many people there. At arnd 6pm guests start flooding the house. Lol. Ate steamboat for dinner. Collected many angbaos too. Played some games with my cousins who just arrived, like Blackjack(no money involved, we all broke), Murderer Game(the one that involves blinking) and many others. Left at arnd 9pm since next day have school. And last Friday(30 Jan) SJI got hols. :D But BP on Tues got hols niahs, the hols become like not "special" lol. Argh! I need to make my 105 classblog soon! Zuhaily faster online!!! Lol. I want to ask him if he knows how to make a type of skin that I'm thinking of. |